
OMSAR has secured a grant from the Lebanese Government to fund the operations and maintenance of existing facilities constructed under the ARLA and SWMP Programs. This grant has a current budget of 50 million USD till the year 2020. (24,749,862,000 LBP per annum). 

The operations and maintenance services of the facilities are sub-contracted to the private sector via a public bidding process. The evaluation committee for the tendering activities is composed of representatives from the beneficiary municipalities and unions of municipalities, OMSAR, and MOE.
OMSAR has also created in its capacity a monitoring and supervision unit to oversee the correct implementation of the project. The monitoring takes place both qualitatively and quantitatively to ensure the sound execution of all components in the project (from design, construction, supply of equipment, to operations, technical assistance, and communications and visibility of SWAM).


The following facilities are currently benefiting from the O and M fund:

  • Federation of Tyr District Municipalities (91,250 tons a year)
  • Federation of Nabatiyeh-al Chqif Municipalities (91,250 tons a year)
  • Federation of al Fayhaa Municipalities (189,800 tons a year)
  • Federation of al Minieh Municipalities (36,500 tons a year)
  • Union of Baalbeck-el Hermel Municipalities (91,250 tons a year)
  • Union of Bar Elias - Qab Elias – al Marj Municipalities (54,750 tons a year)
  • Municipality of Zahle (109,500 tons a year)
  • Federation of al Bouhaira Municipalities (36,500 tons a year)
  • Federation of al Chouf al Swaijani Municipalities (14,600 tons a year)
  • Federation of al Chouf al Aala Municipalities (12,775 tons a year)
  • Municipality of al Khiam (9,125 tons a year)
  • Municipality of Qabrikha (9,125 tons a year)
  • Municipality of Khirbit Salem (3,650 tons a year)
  • Municipality of Michmich-Akkar (3,650 tons a year)
  • Municipality of Ansar (3,650 tons a year)